Inspired by the corrosive force of time on material, OXYDIA gives the possibility to reproduce on the surfaces the tactile and visual appearance of the oxidised metals.
Drawing inspiration from the corrosive power of time over matter, this decorative effect gives the surfaces the tactile and visual aspect typical of oxydized metals. Thanks to the expertly combined colours, the walls are livened up with metallic gleam and shades of colour, which create surfaces of great
personality and character. 1) OXYDIA – 2) DESIGN – 3) MATERIA – 4) LAMINA: four effects that differ in the materialness of their texture.
Surface treatment:
Surface treatment:
Warning: make sure that the surfaces are uniform, completely clean and dry. In case of recent trowelling, fresh brickwork, crumbling or absorbing surfaces, first use a brush to apply a coating of CeboFix M fixative sealant, diluted with water 1:1.
CeboFix R:
Coloured water-based acrylic fixative containing quartz powder. Apply one coat of the product, using a short pile roller.
Add Ons:
1) OXYDIA – IRON, BRASS, STEEL colours –
Apply one coat of CeboStone (colour 254/2), using a medium size flat brush: spread the product with vertical strokes on stripes about 50 cm wide, then use the “narrow side” of the brush over the painted surface to accentuate the pattern. Before the surface dries completely, smooth in with the special gray plastic pointed trowel; use downward strokes, pressing it slightly against the wall to level any lumps. When CeboStone is completely dry, apply CeboIron in two colours, as indicated in the reference table.
CeboIron: apply the first CeboIron colour with a synthetic sponge, following the direction of the strokes, until you have covered the basecoat. Wait until the first layer dries (4-6 hours), then apply the second colour, following the same direction: stroke the surface with the sponge so that the underlying colour shows. It is advisable, while applying the second colour, to keep the first one at hand, so that you can easily repair eventual mistakes.
Usage: Interior and Exterior
Apply the first coat of CeboArt Model (colour 254/M), levelling and smoothing the surface with a stainless steel trowel; when the surface is dry, place the stencil to the wall with some masking tape and apply a second coat of CeboArt Model, making strokes from the edges of the stencil to its centre and making sure to keep its rear side clean. Afterwards, place another stencil and continue as described before, repeating the action as many times as necessary. It is advisable to remove the stencils while the product is still humid, while any resulting defect may be removed when the surface is dry.
CeboIron: the featured effect is based on the use of two colours of CeboIron, as indicated in the reference table. Apply the first CeboIron colour with a synthetic sponge, until you have covered the basecoat. Wait until the first layer dries (4-6 hours), then apply the second colour, stroking the surface with the sponge so that the underlying tint shows. It is advisable, while applying the second colour, to keep the first one at hand, so that you can easily repair eventual mistakes.
Usage: Interior
3) MATERIA – IRON colour
Use a stainless steel trowel to apply CeboArt Model (colour 254/M), in long vertical strokes. When the layer is still humid, put some product on the trowel and apply it over the first layer, using tapping strokes and distributing it in an irregular way to make the surface slightly uneven. Before the product gets completely dry, smooth it out, flattening the salient patches. If the product is too dry, you can wet the trowel with water.
CeboIron: the featured effect is based on the use of two colours of CeboIron, as indicated in the reference table. Apply the first CeboIron colour with a synthetic sponge, following the direction of the strokes. Wait until the first layer dries (4-6 hours), then apply the second colour, following the same direction: stroke the surface with the sponge so that the underlying tint shows. It is advisable, while applying the second colour, to keep the first one at hand, so that you can easily repair eventual mistakes.
3.1) MATERIA – COPPER colour
Use the toothed border of the Shark trowel to apply CeboArt Model (colour 254/M). Use crossed and irregular strokes. Then smooth the coating over some areas, using the straight edge of the Shark trowel: remember that this phase determines the final decorative pattern. Before the product gets completely dry, smooth it out, slightly flattening the salient patches. If the product is too dry, you can wet the trowel with water. It is advisable to spread the coating in a random manner, avoiding creating regular outlines.
CeboIron: the featured effect is based on the use of two colours of CeboIron, as indicated in the reference table. Use a stainless steel trowel to spread the first CeboIron colour, following the direction of the strokes. It is advisable in this phase to apply the product in discontinued patches, while the free spaces will be covered with the second CeboIron colour, to be applied in the aforementioned manner after the first colour dries (4-6 hours). It is advisable, while applying the second colour, to keep the first one at hand, so that you can easily repair eventual mistakes.
3.2) MATERIA – STEEL colour
Apply a coat of CeboArt Model (colour 254/M) of uniform thickness, using the toothed edge of the Shark trowel and making diagonal strokes: make sure to smooth it subsequently using the straight edge of the Shark trowel. When the coating is still humid, put some product on the trowel and apply it over the first layer, dragging the trowel on the surface to create diagonal veins. Before the product gets completely dry, smooth it out, flattening the salient patches. If the product is too dry, you can wet the trowel with water.
CeboIron: the featured effect is based on the use of two colours of CeboIron, as indicated in the reference table. Apply the first CeboIron colour with a synthetic sponge, following the direction of the strokes, until you have completely covered the basecoat. Wait until the first layer dries (4-6 hours), then apply the second colour, following the same direction: stroke the surface with the sponge so that the underlying tint shows. It is advisable, while applying the second colour, to keep the first one at hand, so that you can easily repair eventual mistakes.
Usage: Interior
CeboFix R: apply by roller one or two coats of CeboFix R (colour 254/2), diluted with 20-30% of water.
CeboIron: the featured effect is based on the use of two colours of CeboIron, as indicated in the reference table. Use a paintbrush to apply the first CeboIron colour in vertical stripes, that will be subsequently smoothed with the gray plastic pointed trowel. It is advisable in this phase to alternate the coated stripes with free spaces, which will be covered and treated using the second CeboIron colour, to be applied in the aforementioned manner after the first one dries (4-6 hours). It is advisable, while applying the second colour, to keep the first one at hand, so that you can easily repair eventual mistakes.
Usage: Interior and Exterior
Note: For exterior applications, we recommend the IRON, RED IRON and STEEL colours only for OXYDIA processing
Application Methods :
Video :